gorgeous art, performances, film screenings, live music, recorded music, people and of course drinks, as this is what is all about, to perfect one's artistry and satisfy the folk...
doug designed the most exquisite menu and i created a list full of yummy and highly alcoholic liqueurs to mix with the spirits: ginger, blueberry, cherry; gin, vodka, rum...
we had east london fawcett society slings and beaver royals, blueberry martinis and ginger daiquiris... we had cristine's spicy chai brigadeiros and we also had... beer and wine! the joys of mix!
the arch was partitioned from a previous art show by saatchi and that worked totally to our advantage for the work and the performers, who utilised the space fantastically! i am dealing with professional talent, after all!
it was brilliant to see, apart from the regulars and friends, new folk too and we all danced and mingled and watched and listened and drank and donated!
we made the money we wanted, which will go to A Safe World for Women http://www.asafeworldforwo
till the next event, 19 november, which i shall be celebrating the bar's one year anniversary
i wish you all a good month and i'd like to thank all the fabulous individuals who took part in this fundraiser with passion, professionalism and dedication:
hannah, kathy, doug, cristine, sophie a, season, justin, johanna, sophie r
jan, hannah, luda, jane, kajsa, chris, andre, ze, anna...
love, optimism and peace... together... x
Follow @theliquorbar
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